Tuesday, October 27, 2020

2020 - Justice for Families Collaborative

This 3-part training series addresses the complex legal issues that arise between separated  and divorced members/former members of the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish community including  domestic violence, civil and religious divorce, and child custody. Attorneys, advocates, child  welfare workers, social workers, medical and mental health professionals are all welcome.  

OCT 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM 

29 Understanding Domestic Abuse  

in Ultra-Orthodox Communities: Cultural Issues 

This distinguished panel of experts will highlight the unique ways domestic violence and coercive control  appear in Ultra-Orthodox communities. Participants will address the cultural factors influencing the actions  of the litigants prior to, during, and after they appear in court as well as the impact on children. 

Moderator: Phyllis Frank - As of November 2, 2020, Chief Program O cer,  Center for Safety & Change 


Deborah Feldman – New York Times Bestselling author of “Unorthodox”  – a memoir and the basis for the hit Netflix series. 

Dr. Shoshannah D. Frydman – Executive Director, Shalom Task Force Chani Getter – Senior Director of Organizational Development, Footsteps Dr. Lisa Fontes – Senior Lecturer University of Massachusetts, Amherst 

NOV 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM 

5 The Religious Divorce Process 

This panel will provide an overview of the Beth Din - or rabbinical court - and address the intersection  between the civil and religious court. We will hear from survivors about their experiences appearing  before the rabbinical court.  


Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann – Director, Beth Din of America Erin Bistricer, Esq. – Senior Attorney, Sarah’s Voice 

Chani Getter – Senior Director of Organizational Development, Footsteps CLE Credits Available 

NOV 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM 

12 Litigating Child Custody Issues  

in the Ultra-Orthodox Community 

Addressing one of the most complex family law issues, this panel will discuss recent Appellate decisions  and approaches to representation including pre-litigation strategies, how to present issues of coercive  control in the religious community and the role of the attorney for the child. 


Kim Susser, Esq. - Law O ce of Kim Susser 

Julie Kay, Esq. - Senior Legal Strategist, Footsteps 

Linda Strauss, Esq. - Law O ces of Linda Strauss 

Helena Phillibert, Esq. – Director of Legal Services, Center for Safety & Change CLE Credits Available

Free of Charge. To register, please visit: lunchandlearnlegal.eventbrite.com OVS-Funded Sponsors

This project was supported by Grant No. 2017-FJ-AX-0012 awarded by the O ce on Violence Against Women, U.S Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and  recommendations expressed in this program are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, O ce on Violence Against Women. 

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