Monday, September 6, 2021

2021-The Blessing of Change: A Rosh Hashanah Reflection

I am noticing a pattern:

Usually, this pattern happens in a bubble for individuals, when we experience a severe illness in ourselves or a loved one, or the loss of someone close to us, or a divorce, or a big transition in life. But now, this pattern is happening all over, with so many… it is like a phenomenon. Perhaps it is the pandemic, perhaps it is the natural disasters, the wars, perhaps it is the taking away of liberties here in the states and abroad. Whatever it is…something is changing. Change is here, and we are all feeling it.
People are looking at their lives and asking themselves, does this work for me? Does what I have always done feed me? Nourish me? Allow me to be who I want to be in the world?
Who do I want to be? What do I want to do with my life? With whom do I want to interact? How do I want to show up?
We are questioning - asking - inquiring – wondering - 
Individuals are leaving jobs, changing careers, stepping into the unknown.
Couples are breaking up, moving in together, getting married.
We are shedding some friendships and gaining others.
Mary Oliver asks: “What is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
It is something we seem to be asking – collectively.
What is it that WE want to do with our wild and precious life, our incredible world? There is so much broken, so much Tikkun Olam (repairing of the world) that needs to happen. What are each and every one of us called to do? What changes are we being called to make? What are each of us separately and all of us collectively called to make happen in our lifetime?
As we step into this new year of 5782, I bless us to keep questioning, to keep probing, to make time for individual reflection of what is and isn’t working, to create communal conversations about what parts of our past we can do build upon, what parts do we leave behind and what we can do differently? To wonder out loud together and apart and not accept life the way it has always been.
May we be blessed with health, safety, connection, joy, love, and abundance.
Shana Tova U’mitukah (Hebrew, Sweet New Year)
Ah git gebenchta yar (Yiddish, a very blessed year)
Many Blessings, Chani