The Reality of Slavery - A Passover Reflection
Dear Friends,
Happy Passover,
As our family sat down this year to once again celebrate freedom. We began as usual with the story of slavery. But, this year we did it a little bit differently, instead of reciting the story of our ancestors slavery in Egypt, we began to talk about the slavery that we are perpetuating currently.
There is too much Human Trafficking in the United States as well as abroad, too many women and children and in some cases men, are forced into labor for no or little pay, and even more, are traded as sex slaves.
This year, as we commemorate the freedom of our ancestors and reflect on the miracle of freedom, will you take active action in helping eliminate the current slavery that exists in our midst right now?
A dear friend of mine, Rabbi Heather Altman, has created an easy way for each and every one of us to get involved. Please read the link below and contribute to this important cause… please note that I am one of the contributors to the 49 day countdown.
Many Blessings
May we sit at next year at our Passover Seder knowing that every human being is truly free.
Blessings and Love, Chani

A limited 49 day subscription series of meaningful messages with guided spiritual practices
Written by leading teachers of yoga and meditation, and by spiritual leaders, authors, and artists, each daily message will be thought provoking and inspiring. How can you transform your life and world from one that tolerates modern day slavery to one that eradicates human trafficking? What kind of slavery appears in your life, in the physical realm, emotional, mental and spiritual levels? Included in your daily message will be a spiritual practice from the traditions of yoga, meditation, and music.

Series begins April 6th, through May 26th
Donate your subscription fee directly to the non-profit 501c3 Off the Mat.
$1 per day: $49 for seven weeks of meaningful messages and guided
spiritual practice.
Student & hardship rate = $36 Additional gift subscriptions: $36
Suggest your favorite thinker, teacher, leader, artist or activist. |
About the Countdown, Global Seva Challenge & Off the Mat
Countdown to Freedom! raises awareness and funds for the Global Seva Challenge 2012: India, a project of Off the Mat Into the World. The focus is "the root causes and impact of the global sex trafficking industry...and to empower survivors to lead lives with dignity and respect." Blog: Sex Trafficking in 8 Facts.
Off the Mat into the World brings social activism into the forefront of the yoga world. Yoga encompasses more than breath and physical postures, it prepares us to step off the mat into empowered lives of action and to create peace in all our relationships.
Heather Altman is a Rabbi, yoga instructor, Spiritual Director and mother of toddler triplets. |
From Heather
I created the Countdown to Freedom!:From Slavery Towards Freedom in 49 Days to be a source of inspiration and provide tools for the contemplative journey to living fully and joyously. I hand picked the contributors and know that you will appreciate their wisdom. The spiritual practices are intended to be a resource for your strength and courage and I've also included action steps so you can easily make your own voice heard.
I challenged myself to raising $20 ,000 the instant I heard about the Global Seva Challenge India. I believe that no body is free until every body is free. Human trafficking, or modern day slavery, affects every one of us, even if we don't see it.
"Just how many johns might be prowling the streets on any given night is hard to calculate, but one thing is certain -- they vastly outnumber the estimated ten million prostituted women and children worldwide, who, on average, service four to six men a day." (from The Johns by Victor Malarek 2009) These johns and pimps walk our streets, fly our friendly skies and frequent our restaurants and shops. Video: Airline crews train to spot traffickers. This means that 40-60 million men buy and rape girls and women daily (and a percentage of boys). With that view of women and girls, how can any of us live our fullest life and enjoy being in our own bodies? This is scary. We need to fight trafficking on all levels, so that girls will know and feel that they are valued and respected and free. By engaging you and your circles, we are taking part in healing lives and healing the world. The funds collected with this project will help girls escape the lives of forced prostitution and labor into which they were condemned and provide them with tools and resources to rebuild their lives.
Thank you for your support!
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